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Internet Platform Funding Comparison: European Union and United States

This chart shows a funding gap in the European Union compared to the United States. The data refers to a 15-year time horizon, considering companies formed after 01 January 2000 up until the end of 2014. The results suggest that a US-based company, under the framework set forth by the Communications Decency Act, Section 230, is five times more likely to secure investment over $10 million and nearly 10 times more likely to receive investments over $100 million, as compared to internet companies in the European Union, under the more limited E-Commerce Directive. Therefore, the internet platform companies built under the Communications Decency Act, Section 230 regime are much more likely to receive the significant investment necessary to grow and succeed.
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Estimated Impact of the Internet Intermediary Liability Regime on Startups’ Success Rate in Selected Countries (2015)

The chart presents an estimated impact on expected profit for successful startups in four selected countries – Chile, Germany, India and Thailand. The analysis suggests that a regime with clearly defined requirements for compliance and low associated compliance costs could increase the startups’ expected profit for intermediaries in the focus countries between 1% (Chile) and 5% (India).
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Estimated Impact of the Internet Intermediary Liability Regime on Startups’ Success Rate in Selected Countries (2015)

The chart presents an estimated impact on the success rate for startups in four selected countries – Chile, Germany, India and Thailand. The analysis suggests that a regime with clearly defined requirements for compliance and low associated compliance costs could increase startups’ success rates for intermediaries in the selected countries between 4% (Chile) and 24% (Thailand).
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Digital Revenue

The chart shows that contrary to some popular beliefs, the Internet does not appear to have undone collecting societies. In 2018, digital income is the leading force behind the growth of music collections, accounting for 19.1% of the total. Digital income rose by 15% over the last year and 185% since 2014.
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Recorded Music, Wholesale Value (2012-2018)

The chart presents the evolution of the music industry revenue, based on the report of the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), an industry group of major record labels. The results show that revenues measured at wholesale value grew 12% compared to 2017, reaching to $6.6 billion in 2018. The report considers that the main drivers for the growth of record labels’ revenue are streaming music platforms.
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Growing Digital Revenue for Record Labels

In April 2019, International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI), which represents the recording industry worldwide, published its Global Music Report 2019 which includes its revenue figures for 2018. IFPI data shows a global revenue growth of 9.7% with a 32.9% increase in paid streaming revenues and 34% of growth in overall streaming revenue. These figures look quite different from the "value gap" the music industry is allegedly experiencing. The efficiency gains of the digitisation of music result in increased consumer welfare and revenues for record labels — a textbook illustration of a healthy, competitive market. The values in this chart are presented with approximation, as the original report does not provide the figures.
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Fourteen Years of Democratic Decline

The chart shows the evolution of the countries' Freedom of the World score for the past 15 years, based on a report from Freedom House. The results show that the global freedom has declined constantly in the last the 14 years. The gap between setbacks and gains widened compared with 2018, as individuals in 64 countries experienced deterioration in their political rights and civil liberties while those in just 37 experienced improvements. The negative pattern affected all regime types, but the impact was most visible near the top and the bottom of the scale.
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Seizures of Counterfeit And Pirated Goods: Top Economies of Origin of Right Holders Whose Intellectual Property Rights Were Infringed

This chart looks at economies in which the right holders whose intellectual property rights are infringed are located (2014-2016). Location refers to the place where the headquarters of a right holder is registered. Almost 24% of the total value of seized products refers to intellectual property rights of holders registered in the United States, followed by France (16.6%), Italy (15.1%), Switzerland (11.2%) and Germany (9.3%). The data are presented with approximation. For more details please visit the source.
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Per cent of Videos Taken Down for Extremist Content by Views at Takedown

The chart shows that the fraction of removed videos which receive less than 100 views before being removed has increased significantly and consistently since the first quarter of 2017. As the original source does not provide explicit data, this chart presents approximate values.
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Respondents’ Perceptions of Sources With False or Misleading Information About Coronavirus

The chart presents the distribution of different sources (politicians, governments etc.) from which respondents have seen "a lot" or "a great deal" of false or misleading information about coronavirus. The participants in six countries have answered to the following question "Q4: How much false or misleading information about coronavirus (COVID-19), if any, do you think you have sen on each of the following in the last week?"