Content Actioned Under Child Nudity and Sexual Exploatation Violations on Facebook
Source: Meta. Transparency Report: Child Endangerment: Nudity and Physical Abuse and Sexual Exploitation (June 2022)
Topic: Illegal Content
Reference year: 2018-2022
Geographical area: Global
Method: Self-reporting
Link to original document:
The chart shows the number of content actioned under child nudity and sexual exploatation violations on Facebook, from third quarter of 2018 until the first quarter of 2022. Since the April 2021, the Child Nudity and Sexual Exploitation content was renamed Child Endangerment, and includes two distinct topics - Nudity and Physical Abuse and Sexual Exploitations, which are monitored separately. The data from the second and third quarters of 2021 shows that volume of content actioned for sexual exploitation violations is significantly higher (ten times higher) than the content actioned for nudity and physical abuse. In the first quarter of 2022, the volume of content actioned for sexual exploitation violations decreased by 35.5% compared to the second quarter of 2021, but it remains significantly higher than the content actioned for nudity and physical abuse.