Platforms Linked to Islamic State and Jihadist Accounts (Based on Out-Links from Twitter)

Source: Conway, Maura, Moign Khawaja, Suraj Lakhani, Jeremy Reffin, Andrew Robertson and David Weir. “Disrupting Daesh: Measuring Takedown of Online Terrorist Material and Its Impacts,” Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 29 October 2018
Topic: Incitement to Terrorism
Reference year: 2017
Geographical area: Global
Method: Data collection
Link to original document:
This graph shows the top 10 platforms linked to Islamic State accounts and top 10 platforms linked to other Jihadist accounts on Twitter. The data shows that YouTube was the preferred platform for both types of accounts. Interestingly, Facebook was not in the top 10 for Islamic State accounts but was number 2 for other Jihadist accounts.