Europeans' Views on Whether Disinformation is a Problem in Their Country

Source: European Commission. Flash Eurobarometer 464 Report: Fake News and Disinformation Online (Brussels:European Commission, 2018)
Topic: Disinformation
Reference year: 2018
Geographical area: European Union
Method: Survey (N=26576)
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According to the results of the Eurobarometer survey, in all countries, more than half of respondents viewed the existence of news or information that misrepresents reality or is even false as a problem. Over 90% of respondents from Cyprus, Greece and Italy view this kind of information as problem in their country, while in Belgium only 66% share this view. The respondents were asked "Q4.1 In your opinion, is the existence of news or information that misrepresent reality or even false a problem in your country?" European Union refers to EU28. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020.