Frequency of Encountering Disinformation at the European Union Level

Source: European Commission. Flash Eurobarometer 464 Report: Fake News and Disinformation Online (Brussels:European Commission, 2018)
Topic: Disinformation
Reference year: 2018
Geographical area: European Union
Method: Survey (N=26576).
Link to original document:
The results of the Eurobarometer survey show that more than 60% of respondents reported encountering information or news that they believed misrepresented reality or was even false at least once per week. Only 17% reported that they did so seldom or never. The respondents were asked "Q.2 How often do you come across news or information that you believe misrepresent reality or is even false?" European Union refers to EU28. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020.