Feedback Provided by Online Platforms to Different Types of User (2021)

Source: European Commission. Sixth Evaluation on the Code of Conduct on Countering Illegal Hate Speech Online (Brussels: European Commission, 2021)
Topic: Hate Speech
Reference year: 2021
Geographical area: European Union
Method: Self-reporting
Link to original document:
This chart shows the per cent of feedback provided by online platforms to different types of users (general user or trusted flagger/reporter). The results are based on data reported by social media platforms participating in the European Commission's Code of conduct. The data shows that Facebook is informing consistently both trusted flaggers and general users, while Twitter, YouTube, TikTok and Instagram provide feedback more frequently when notifications come from trusted flaggers. Jeuxvideo has significantly increased its performance on feedback to users (it was 22.5% in 2020). One of the conclusions included in the sixth monitoring exercice is that notifications from general users continue to be often treated differently than those sent through special channels for “trusted flaggers”, with differences varying from 1.7% (Facebook) to 80% (TikTok).