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Content Removal Comparison: Google Community Guidelines vs. Germany’s Network Enforcement Act (2018)
The chart presents the distribution of posts removed by Google due to violations of Google's community guidelines and the Germany’s Network Enforcement Act, on the grounds for removal, for the period July - December 2018. The data shows that the majority of removal decisions are based on the platform’s private standards, as they often prioritise the compliance with their community guidelines, and not with German speech laws.

Content Removal Comparison: Google Community Guidelines vs. Germany’s Network Enforcement Act (2019-2021)
The chart presents the distribution of items removed by Google since 2019, due to violations of Google's community guidelines and the Germany’s Network Enforcement Act, on the grounds for removal. The data shows that the majority of removal decisions are based on the platform’s private standards, as they often prioritise the compliance with their community guidelines, and not with German speech laws.

Content Removal Under the Germany’s Network Enforcement Act (2018-2021)
The chart shows the total number of items removed or blocked by Google, due to violations of the Germany’s Network Enforcement Act, by the type of submitter (users and reporting agencies). The results are based on the data from Google Transparency Report, last accessed on 14 February 2022.

Distribution of Sources Used for Coronavirus News in Germany
The chart shows that German respondents trust the most scientists, doctors and health experts when it comes to getting information about coronavirus (74%) and trust the least people they don't know (15%). The results are based on the participants' answers to the following question "Q10: How trustworthy would you say news and information about coronavirus (COVID-19) from the following is? Please use the scale below where 0 is "not at all trustworthy" and 10 is "completely trustworthy.""

Estimated Impact of the Internet Intermediary Liability Regime on Startups’ Success Rate in Germany (2015)
Germany’s startup ecosystem could moderately benefit from increased liability protection in particular to increase its startup success rate. The model used by Oxera estimates that it could increase by 1.6%, translating into an increase of around 9% on its current success rate.

Investor Concern Regarding Potential New Regulation in Germany (2014)
According to the chart, 80% of German investors believe the legal environment has the most negative impact on their investing activities with a significant majority of 90% concerned about investing in digital content intermediaries that are today confronted by ambiguity and uncertain outcomes, potentially large damages, and the risks of secondary liability if new anti-piracy regulations are introduced.

Overview of the Number of Reported Items by Platform in Germany (2018)
The chart presents the data reported by tech companies under the Germany’s Network Enforcement Act about the number of items reported and removed in 2018. The data do not account for other removals based on other types of complaints, referrals, or injunctions.

Share of Reported Content Removed by Google Under Germany’s Network Enforcement Act, by Reason of Removal (2018-2021)
The chart presents the share of the reported content removed or blocked by Google due to violation of the Germany’s Network Enforcement Act, over the period 2018-2021, by reason of removal. The data shows that hate speech or political extremism, privacy and terrorist or unconstitutional content have the highest share of removals, while violence has the lowest one.