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Distribution of Hate Speech Complains Across All Platforms (2018)
The chart shows the locations of complaints about hate speech on online platforms based on data collected by International Network Against Cyberhate (INACH). The INACH's report found that most instances of hate speech reported in user complaints are located on Facebook, traditional websites, Twitter, or YouTube.

Distribution of Hate Speech Complains Across Web 1.0 Platforms (2018)
The chart shows the distribution of hate speech complaints on Web 1.0 platforms based on data collected by the International Network Against Cyber Hate (INACH). INACH's 2018 report found that the majority (almost three quarters) of all complaints of hate speech were registered on websites (Web 1.0 platforms), followed by forums and blogs.

Distribution of Hate Speech Complains Across Web 2.0 Platforms (2018)
The chart presents the distribution of hate speech complaints on Web 2.0 platforms based on data collected by the International Network Against Cyber Hate. The 2018 report found that, when it comes to social media platforms, three major players give the biggest surface to cyber hate and extremist propaganda, accounting for more than 80% of all complaints of hate speech - Facebook (40%), Twitter (21.7%) and YouTube (21.2%).