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Frequency of Encountering Disinformation at the European Union Level
The results of the Eurobarometer survey show that more than 60% of respondents reported encountering information or news that they believed misrepresented reality or was even false at least once per week. Only 17% reported that they did so seldom or never. The respondents were asked "Q.2 How often do you come across news or information that you believe misrepresent reality or is even false?" European Union refers to EU28. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020.

Frequency of Encountering Disinformation Online (by Country)
This chart shows the data collected via survey for the Flash Eurobarometer 464. The data shows the frequency with which respondents reported encountering information that they believe misrepresents reality or is even false. Respondents from Spain reported encountering such information with the highest frequency, while respondents from Finland reported encountering such information least frequently. The respondents were asked "Q2 How often do you come across news or information that misrepresent reality or even false a problem in your country?" European Union refers to EU28. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020.

Number of Engagements Connected to the Clearly Anti-European Union Articles
The graph illustrates the high number of engagements connected to clearly anti-European Union articles related to the Vote Leave campaign and to Russia Today and Sputnik. It also shows the high level of engagement of Russian disinformation organisations in United Kingdom, in the months leading up to Brexit. The European Union refers to EU28. The United Kindom left the European Union on 31 January 2020.

Perception of the Frequency of Encountering News or Information Believed to Misrepresent Reality or be False Across European Union Countries
The finding of the Special Eurobarometer 503 shows that 85% of Maltese respondents encountered news or information that they believe misrepresents reality or is false at least several times a month compared to only 53% in Bulgaria. European Union refers to EU28. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020.

Perception of the Frequency of Encountering News or Information Believed to Misrepresent Reality or be False at European Union Level
The findings of the Special Eurobarometer survey show that more than half of the respondents (55%) have came across news or information that they believe misrepresents reality or is false at least once a week. Moreover, one in three respondents encountered this type of information every day or almost every day. European Union refers to EU28. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020.

Respondents’ Perceptions of Channels With False or Misleading Information About Coronavirus
The chart presents the distribution of different channels (social media, video sites etc.) where respondents have seen "a lot" or "a great deal" of false or misleading information about coronavirus. The participants in six countries have answered to the following question "Q4: How much false or misleading information about coronavirus (COVID-19), if any, do you think you have sen on each of the following in the last week?" Social media, messaging apps and video sites have been found the main sources of false or misleading information.

Respondents’ Perceptions of Sources With False or Misleading Information About Coronavirus
The chart presents the distribution of different sources (politicians, governments etc.) from which respondents have seen "a lot" or "a great deal" of false or misleading information about coronavirus. The participants in six countries have answered to the following question "Q4: How much false or misleading information about coronavirus (COVID-19), if any, do you think you have sen on each of the following in the last week?"