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Reconfigured versus Fabricated Misinformation

The chart shows the proportion of reconfigured (N=133) and fabricated (N=86) misinformation in the sample (N=225) and the types of misinformation that constitute both reconfigured and fabricated misinformation. Out of the share of the content showed above, 59% is reconfigured (out of misleading, false context and manipulated content) and 38% is fabricated (out of fabricated and imposter content).
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Top-Down Versus Bottom-Up Misinformation

The chart shows that high-level politicians, celebrities, or other prominent public figures produced or spread only 20% of the misinformation in Reuters Institute's sample, but that misinformation attracted a large majority of all social media engagements in the sample. The first bar shows the share of content that was produced or shared by prominent persons in the whole sample (N=225). The second bar shows the per cent of total social media engagements of content from prominent persons out of the sub-sample of social media posts with available engagement data (N=145).
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What Happened to Reported Content Across European Union Member States (2018)

The chart shows that, among respondents who took action after encountering illegal content online, respondents from Hungary were the most likely to report that the content was taken down, while respondents from Estonia were the least likely to do so. The participants have answered to the question "What happened to reported content?" for which multiple answers are possible. European Union refers to EU28. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020.
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What Happened to Reported Content (2018)

The chart shows that 45% of respondents who took action after encountering illegal content online reported that the content was taken down, but 20% reported that it was kept online without changes. The participants have answered to the question "What happened to reported content?" for which multiple answers are possible. European Union refers to EU28. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020.
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Action Taken After Encountering Illegal Content (By Country)

The chart shows that most users took not action after encountering illegal content online, although respondents from Germany were the least likely to report having taken no action. The chart results are based on the answers to the question: What action did you take after encountering this content?, " for which the selection of more than one answer is possible. European Union refers to EU28. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020.
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Action Taken After Encountering Illegal Content (2018)

The chart shows that the majority of users took not action after encountering illegal content online. The chart results are based on the answers to the question “Q4. What action did you take after encountering this content?", for which the selection of more than one answer is possible. European Union refers to EU28. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020.
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Acquired or Accessed Any Content Type Illegally (2017)

The chart shows the percent of respondents that use the internet who acquired or accessed any type of content illegaly over the past year. Respondents from Poland and Spain were the most likely to report having done so among European Union countries. European Union refers to EU28. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020. As a note, the data in the chart covers exclusively the streamripping and pirated copies on physical carriers.
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The Top Ten Countries for Hosting Child Sexual Abuse Content

The chart shows the top 10 countries that host web pages with child sexual abuse material, based on the assessment of the Internet Watch Foundation. Interestingly, seven out of 10 countries are in Europe and six out of 10 are in the European Union.
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Number of Web Pages containing Adverts or Links to Child Sexual Abuse Material

The chart provides information on the number of web pages containing adverts or links to child sexual abuse imagery, according to the age of children. The data shows an increase of these web pages in 2019 by 26% compared to 2018 and by 70% compared to 2017.