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Accounts Removed by TikTok for Policy Violations, by Type of Reason
This chart shows the total number of accounts removed by Tiktok due to violation of its policy, from July 2020 until December 2021. The data shows that the total number of accounts removed in the last quarter of 2021 was more than five times higher than those removed in the same period of the previous year. Overall, the main reason of removal is the account's user age, with 63.8% account removed in the last quarter of 2021.

Acquired or Accessed Any Content Type Illegally (2017)
The chart shows the percent of respondents that use the internet who acquired or accessed any type of content illegaly over the past year. Respondents from Poland and Spain were the most likely to report having done so among European Union countries. European Union refers to EU28. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020. As a note, the data in the chart covers exclusively the streamripping and pirated copies on physical carriers.

Action Taken After Encountering Illegal Content (2018)
The chart shows that the majority of users took not action after encountering illegal content online. The chart results are based on the answers to the question “Q4. What action did you take after encountering this content?", for which the selection of more than one answer is possible. European Union refers to EU28. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020.

Action Taken After Encountering Illegal Content (By Country)
The chart shows that most users took not action after encountering illegal content online, although respondents from Germany were the least likely to report having taken no action. The chart results are based on the answers to the question: What action did you take after encountering this content?, " for which the selection of more than one answer is possible. European Union refers to EU28. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020.

Content Actioned Under Child Nudity and Sexual Exploatation Violations on Facebook
The chart shows the number of content actioned under child nudity and sexual exploatation violations on Facebook, from third quarter of 2018 until the first quarter of 2022. Since the April 2021, the Child Nudity and Sexual Exploitation content was renamed Child Endangerment, and includes two distinct topics - Nudity and Physical Abuse and Sexual Exploitations, which are monitored separately. The data from the second and third quarters of 2021 shows that volume of content actioned for sexual exploitation violations is significantly higher (ten times higher) than the content actioned for nudity and physical abuse. In the first quarter of 2022, the volume of content actioned for sexual exploitation violations decreased by 35.5% compared to the second quarter of 2021, but it remains significantly higher than the content actioned for nudity and physical abuse.

Content Actioned Under Dangerous Organisations Violations on Facebook
This chart shows the content actioned under their terrorism and organised hate violations on Facebook, from October 2017 until March 2022. The data shows that the volume of content actioned on under terrorism violations in the first quarter of 2022 almost doubled compared to the same period in the previous year. Content actioned under organised hate violations is more recent (from October 2019). The data shows a slight increase in the first quarter of 2022 compared to the fourth quarter of 2021, but the volume remain significantly lower than the first quarter of 2021.

Content Actioned Under Hate Speech Violations on Instagram
The chart shows the number pieces of content actioned under hate speech violations on Instagram over the period October 2019 - March 2022. The data shows a significant increase of hate speech violations that were found and actioned on by Instagram during the monitoring period, with a pick in the second quarter of 2021, when 9.8 million of pieces of content were actioned on. In the first quarter of 2022, the volume of content actioned on is significantly lower (3.4 million of pieces of content).

Copyright Content Take-Down Notices Received by TikTok
The chart presents the number of copyright take-down requests received by TikTok and the number of succesfull copyrights take-downs in 2021. The TikTok Community Guidelines and Terms of Service prohibit content that infringes third party intellectual property. When valid take-down requests based on violations of copyright law and trademark law are received by the platform from the right holders, TikTok removes the alleged infringing content in a timely manner. There is a breakdown in data for the first half of 2021 and the data for the two periods are not directly comparable. In the period January - April 2021, data includes all copyright take-down notices received by the platform, while since May 2021, the data includes only valid copyright take-down notices. Valid copyright take-down notices are notices that include the statutorily defined elements in the DMCA, the EU Copyright Directive, and other similar law, that are required to report alleged copyright infringement.

Distribution of Content Actioned Under Other Types of Violation on Facebook (2017-2022)
The chart shows the distribution of the content actioned under other types of violations on Facebook, from the fourh quarter of 2017 until the first quarter of 2022. A metric for a new policy area called violence and incitement was added to the Community Standards in the third quarter of 2021. Additionally, starting with the second quarter of 2021, the child nudity and sexual abuse category was renamed child endagerment and collects data on two separate topics: sexual exploitation and nudity and physical abuse. The data shows that the adult nudity and sexual activity remains the main reason of removal on Facebook, followed by violent and graphic content, violence and incitement and child endagerment. The chart excludes the content removed under fake accounts and spam content violations.

Distribution of the Content Actioned on Instagram, by Reason of Removal
The chart shows the distribution of the content actioned on Instagram, by reasons of removal, from the fourth quarter of 2019 until the first quarter of 2022. A metric for a new policy area called violence and incitement was added to the Community Standards in the third quarter of 2021. Additionally, starting with the second quarter of 2021, the child nudity and sexual abuse category was renamed child endagerment and collects data on two separate topics: sexual exploitation and nudity and physical abuse. The data shows that adult nudity and sexual activity remain the main reason of removal of content, followed by bullying and harassment content and violent and graphic one.