Hate Speech

The European approach to regulating and moderating the spread of hate speech online represents an interesting experiment in public-private collaboration.

A triad of normally unaffiliated institutions sit at the middle of this effort. Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) – particularly organisations with a background in promoting tolerance and fighting discrimination – are empowered to follow what happens on the platforms and "notify" content which they believe constitutes illegal hate speech. The platforms, in turn, evaluate 1) the notifications, 2) the local laws of the countries where a particular piece of content appears, and 3) their own community standards and guidelines. Based on that assessment, they decide if the content should be allowed to stay or taken down. Later the NGOs produce a report evaluating how much of the content they notified was taken down. The European Commission sits in the middle of the process – facilitating communication among the parties and providing periodic assessments of how much hate speech is slipping through despite the effort.

The unusual collaboration grew from equally unusual roots. Rather than imposing regulation, the European Commission encouraged platforms and NGOs to work together on this. Together, the three parties drew up a code of conduct on countering hate speech online (2016). To date, Dailymotion, Facebook, Google Plus, Instagram, Jeuxvideo, Microsoft, Snapchat, Twitter and YouTube have all signed on. Periodic assessments – fed by national NGO reports – have judged progress. You can find out more about this remarkable experiment on the European Commission code of conduct web page. Evidence from the monitoring exercise appears below as well.

The code itself draws on a definition laid down in the European Union’s framework decision on combating certain forms and expressions of racism and xenophobia by means of criminal law (2008). It defines hate speech as "all conduct publicly inciting to violence or hatred directed against a group of persons or a member of such a group defined by reference to race, colour, religion, descent or national or ethnic origin, when carried out by the public dissemination or distribution of tracts, pictures or other material; Publicly condoning, denying or grossly trivialising crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes […], when the conduct is carried out in a manner likely to incite violence or hatred against such a group or a member of such a group."

More information about hate speech and the effort to regulate it is available on the World Intermediary Liability Map (WILMap), led by the Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School.

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Number of Posts Collected Containing Anti-Semitic Content

The chart presents the distribution of posts containg anti-semitic content across various social media platforms, based on the results of the European Commission "The rise of anti-semitism online during the pandemic: A study of French and German content," prepared in 2021 and covering the period January 2020 - March 2021. The study aim to understand the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic might have had on the proliferation of the online anti-semitism and which platforms are particulary prone to anti-semitic messaging in French and German. The results show that 64.5% of French language posts with anti-semitic content are found on Twitter, while 99% of German language posts with anti-semitic content are on Telegram.
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Percentage of Content Found by Facebook as Containing Hate Speech Compared to the Content Reported by the Users

This chart shows the percentage of content found by Facebook as containing hate speech compared to the content reported by the users, over the period October 2017 - March 2022. The percentage of content found by Facebook has significantly increased compared to the one reported at the begining of the monitoring period (2017), which let to a decrease of the share of content reported by users.
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Perception of Antisemitism in Eight European Union Member States

The chart illustrates the perception respondents from eight European Union member states about the antisemitism seen as a problem. European Union refers to EU28. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020. The results show that antisemitism is seen as a very big problem in France and Hungary and not a very big problem in United Kingdom and Latvia.
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Perceptions of changes in the level of expressions of antisemitism on the internet in the country over the past five years, by EU Member State

This chart shows the difference in perceptions of changes in the level of antisemitism on the internet from 2013 to 2018. Respondents in both 2013 and 2018 were asked if "over the past five years, has antisemitism on the internet, including on social media, increased, stayed the same or decreased." The amounts recorded show the percentage who answered "increased a lot" and increased a little." The most dramatic changes in perceptions occured in Germany (+23) and the United Kingdom (+21), and the only country who recorded a decrease in perceived antisemitism online was Hungary.
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Perceptions on Changes in the Level of Antisemitism over the Past Five Years, Across Eight European Union Member States

The chart presents the perception on proliferation of antisemitism within eight European Union member states, between 2008-2013. The results show that while in France for 74% respondents this perception increased a lot, in as Latvia, the majority of respondents (44%) considered that it stayed the same.
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Rate of Hate Speech Content Removal Across ICT Companies

The chart presents the distribution of hate speech content removal by the ICT companies, based on data reported by social media platforms participating in the European Commission's Code of conduct. The sixth monitoring exercise shows that out of the platforms participating in the Code of conduct, Jeuxvideo.com has the highest rate of removal, followed by TikTok and Facebook. Twitter continues to have the lowest rate of removal, Instagram significantly increased its removal rate (compared to the previous monitoring period), and Youtube's removal rate continue to decline. Overall, the sixth monitoring exercise shows that the Code of conduct continues to bring positive results when it comes to illegal hate speech removal across social medial platforms.
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Rate of Hate Speech Content Removal Across ICT Companies (2018)

The chart presents the distribution of hate speech content removal by the ICT companies, based on data reported by social media platforms participating in the European Commission's Code of conduct. The data shows that out of the platforms participating in the Code of conduct, YouTube now has the highest rate of removal, while Twitter has the lowest. Facebook and YouTube have increased their rates of removal significantly, while Twitter's increase has been less dramatic.
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Rate of Posts’ Removals by Social Media Platforms Across European Union Countries

The chart shows the per cent of reviewed posts which social media platforms removed in each of six monitoring periods, by European Union member state. The results are based on data reported by social media platforms participating in the European Commission's Code of conduct. Removal rates ranged from as high as 100% to as low as 0%. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020. In 2021, three organisations from the United Kingdom took part to the monitoring exercise, with an overall average removal rate of 43%.
Notes: The data from Belgium, Greece, Ireland (2019) and Malta (2021) is not included in the chart due to the too low number of notifications made to companies (<20). In 2019, Malta, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Denmark organisations did not submit cases for the exercise, while same applies for Slovenia, Cyprus, Finland, Luxembourg, and Denmark organisations in 2021.
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Share of People Who Faced Hate Speech Online in France (2015)

The chart shows the exposure to hateful online content on the internet, based on the results of a survey conducted in France in February 2015. Results show that men were generally more exposed to this type of content compared to women. 55% of male respondents came across racist statements online, while only 47% of women respondents did so.
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Trend in Removal Rates on Facebook Based on the Moving Averages of Percentage of Removed Cases (2017)

The chart presents the share of the reported content which was removed by Facebook, based on data collected by the International Network Against Cyber Hate. The report found that, in 2017, Facebook's monthly removal rate varied widely, reaching a maximum level in August (80%) and a minimum in May (around 40%). Overall, Facebook's removal rate trended slightly upward in 2017.