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Rate of Hate Speech Content Removal Across ICT Companies
The chart presents the distribution of hate speech content removal by the ICT companies, based on data reported by social media platforms participating in the European Commission's Code of conduct. The sixth monitoring exercise shows that out of the platforms participating in the Code of conduct, has the highest rate of removal, followed by TikTok and Facebook. Twitter continues to have the lowest rate of removal, Instagram significantly increased its removal rate (compared to the previous monitoring period), and Youtube's removal rate continue to decline. Overall, the sixth monitoring exercise shows that the Code of conduct continues to bring positive results when it comes to illegal hate speech removal across social medial platforms.
Rate of Hate Speech Content Removal Across ICT Companies (2018)
The chart presents the distribution of hate speech content removal by the ICT companies, based on data reported by social media platforms participating in the European Commission's Code of conduct. The data shows that out of the platforms participating in the Code of conduct, YouTube now has the highest rate of removal, while Twitter has the lowest. Facebook and YouTube have increased their rates of removal significantly, while Twitter's increase has been less dramatic.
Rate of Posts’ Removals by Social Media Platforms Across European Union Countries
The chart shows the per cent of reviewed posts which social media platforms removed in each of six monitoring periods, by European Union member state. The results are based on data reported by social media platforms participating in the European Commission's Code of conduct. Removal rates ranged from as high as 100% to as low as 0%. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020. In 2021, three organisations from the United Kingdom took part to the monitoring exercise, with an overall average removal rate of 43%.
Notes: The data from Belgium, Greece, Ireland (2019) and Malta (2021) is not included in the chart due to the too low number of notifications made to companies (<20). In 2019, Malta, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Denmark organisations did not submit cases for the exercise, while same applies for Slovenia, Cyprus, Finland, Luxembourg, and Denmark organisations in 2021.
Notes: The data from Belgium, Greece, Ireland (2019) and Malta (2021) is not included in the chart due to the too low number of notifications made to companies (<20). In 2019, Malta, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Denmark organisations did not submit cases for the exercise, while same applies for Slovenia, Cyprus, Finland, Luxembourg, and Denmark organisations in 2021.
Reporting Organisations or Copyright Owners Who Have Submitted or Been Cited in the Most Requests
The chart shows the reporting organisations or copyright owners who have submitted or been cited in the most requests. The date of the extraction of the current values from the live chart of Google is 13 June 2022.
Share of Fake Accounts and Spam Content Actioned on Facebook (2017-2022)
The chart shows the share of fake accounts and spam content actioned on Facebook, from the fourh quarter of 2017 until the first quarter of 2022. While these two violations remain the main reasons of removal of content on Facebook, the data shows that the other types of violations (such as adult nudity and sexual activity, child nudity and sexual exploitation, bullying and harassment, dangerous organisations, hate speech, and violent and graphic content) have also increased during this period.
Share of Identified Product Listings Removed Within Two Working Days (2018-2020)
The chart presents the key performance indicators for monitoring the implementation of the Product Safety Pledge, over the period 2018 - 2020. The KPIs for the periods represent the arithmetic average of the percentages provided by the four signatories, they do not represent the weighted average according to the number of products reported. The method is valid for periods October 2018 - March 2019 and April 2019 - September 2019. For the period October 2019 - May 2020, a different method of calculus was used for KPIs, making the latest values not comparable with the previous values reported.
Share of Identified Product Listings Removed Within Two Working Days (2018-2022)
The chart presents the key performance indicators for monitoring the implementation of the Product Safety Pledge, over the period October 2018 - May 2022. The KPIs for the periods represent the arithmetic average of the percentages provided by the four signatories, they do not represent the weighted average according to the number of products reported. The method is valid for periods October 2018 - March 2019 and April 2019 - September 2019. For the period October 2019 - May 2020, a different method of calculus was used for KPIs, making the latest values not comparable with the previous values reported. From June 2020 onwards, for the following reportings, the signatories of the Product Safety Pledge provide absolute numbers of the dangerous products identified and removed to facilitate easier monitoring and comparability for future reports.
Share of Reported Content Removed by Google Under Germany’s Network Enforcement Act, by Reason of Removal (2018-2021)
The chart presents the share of the reported content removed or blocked by Google due to violation of the Germany’s Network Enforcement Act, over the period 2018-2021, by reason of removal. The data shows that hate speech or political extremism, privacy and terrorist or unconstitutional content have the highest share of removals, while violence has the lowest one.
Share of Web Addresses Requested to Be Delisted
The chart shows the percentage of web addresses that have been delisted after review out of total requests received. The data cover the period 28 May 2014 to 13 June 2022. Web addresses delisting requests that are still pending review, or that require additional information in order to process, are not included in the graph. The last access date of the live chart is 13 June 2022.
Tonnes of Illicit Pesticide Seized by the European Union Authorities
The chart presents the amount of illicit pesticides seized by the European Union authorities, during the Operation Silver Axe, over the period 2015 - 2021, based on the results of the report "Intellectual Property Crime: Threat Assessment 2022," published in March 2022 by EUIPO and Europol. The data shows that during the six editions of Operation Silver Axe 3,771 tonnes of illegal pesticides were seized, out of which 2,549 tones were seized in the last two editions (2020 and 2021).