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Trademark Content Take-Down Notices Received by TikTok
The chart presents the number of trademark take-down requests received by TikTok and the number of succesfull take-downs in 2021. The TikTok Community Guidelines and Terms of Service prohibit content that infringes third party intellectual property. When valid take-down requests based on violations of copyright law and trademark law are received by the platform from the right holders, TikTok removes the alleged infringing content in a timely manner. There is a breakdown in data for the first half of 2021 and the data for the two periods are not directly comparable. In the period January - April 2021, data includes all trademark take-down notices received by the platform, while since May 2021, the data includes only valid trademark take-down notices. Valid trademark take-down notices are notices that provide sufficient information to assess if there has been trademark infringement according to applicable law.

Trend in Removal Rates on Facebook Based on the Moving Averages of Percentage of Removed Cases (2017)
The chart presents the share of the reported content which was removed by Facebook, based on data collected by the International Network Against Cyber Hate. The report found that, in 2017, Facebook's monthly removal rate varied widely, reaching a maximum level in August (80%) and a minimum in May (around 40%). Overall, Facebook's removal rate trended slightly upward in 2017.

Trend in Removal Rates on Twitter Based on the Moving Averages of Percentage of Removed Cases (2017)
The chart presents the share of the reported content which was removed by Twitter, based on data collected by the International Network Against Cyber Hate. The report found that, in 2017, Twitter's monthly removal rate has a high variation, and recorded a maximum level in February (90%) and a minimum in November (around 10%). Overall, Twitter’s removal rate shows a steep downward trend in 2017.

Trend in Removal Rates on Youtube Based on the Moving Averages of Percentage of Removed Cases (2017)
The chart presents the share of the reported content which was removed by YouTube, based on data collected by the International Network Against Cyber Hate. The report found that, in 2017, YouTube’s monthly removal rate was highly volatile, recording maximum levels in January and April (90%) and minimum one in June (around 22%). Overall, YouTube’s removal rate has a slight downward trend in 2017.

Trend of the Rate of Notifications Assessed Within 24 Hours
The chart shows the trend of the share of notifications reviewed within 24 hours by the tech companies over the period December 2016 - Octomber 2021, based on the data reported by social media platforms participating in the European Commission's Code of conduct. In 2021, assessed all notifications in less than 24h, while YouTube did so for 88.8% and Facebook for 81.5%. Among the platforms participating in the Code of conduct, Instagram has the lowest rate of review (62.4%). On average, the rate of review of companies remain high (81%), but shows a slight decline compared to 2020 (90.4%).

Twitter Ban Effect on Misinformation About Election Fraud on Social Media
The chart shows how the online misinformation about election fraud changed after several social media sites suspended President Trump and key allies accounts. The new research by Zignal Labs reported that conversations about
election fraud dropped from 2.5 million mentions to 688,000 mentions across several social media sites in the week after Trump was banned from Twitter.

Videos Removed by TikTok for Policy Violations, by Type of Detection
This chart shows the volume of videos removed by Tiktok for policy violation, from July 2020 until December 2021. The data shows that the volume of videos removed by TikTok in the last quarter of 2021 increased by 86% compared to the same period of the previous year. However, the total videos removed by TikTok represents about 1% of all videos uploaded on the social media platform.

Videos Removed by TikTok for Policy Violations, by Type of Policy
This chart shows the volume of videos removed by Tiktok for policy violation, from July 2020 until December 2021. A video may violate multiple policies and each violation is reflected. In certain rare circumstances, such as emergency situations or hardware outages, a removed video’s violation category may not be captured. These videos are not represented in the chart. The data shows that minors' safety is the main reason for video removal by TikTok (45% in the last quarter of 2021), follwed by illegal activities and regulated goods (19.5%) and adult nudity and sexual activities (11%).