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Respondents’ Perceptions of Channels With False or Misleading Information About Coronavirus
The chart presents the distribution of different channels (social media, video sites etc.) where respondents have seen "a lot" or "a great deal" of false or misleading information about coronavirus. The participants in six countries have answered to the following question "Q4: How much false or misleading information about coronavirus (COVID-19), if any, do you think you have sen on each of the following in the last week?" Social media, messaging apps and video sites have been found the main sources of false or misleading information.

Respondents’ Perceptions of Sources With False or Misleading Information About Coronavirus
The chart presents the distribution of different sources (politicians, governments etc.) from which respondents have seen "a lot" or "a great deal" of false or misleading information about coronavirus. The participants in six countries have answered to the following question "Q4: How much false or misleading information about coronavirus (COVID-19), if any, do you think you have sen on each of the following in the last week?"

Retweets of ISIS Accounts
The chart compares the number of tweets, retweets, and mentions achieved by ISIS accounts compared to a randomly sampled set of users, based on data collected from Twitter. The random sample of users received significantly more retweets and mentions per account. The random sample also received more retweets and mentions per tweet, but the difference there was much smaller.

Satisfaction with How the Internet Hosting Services Handled a Notification
This pie chart shows that the majority of respondents who encountered illegal content online and informed the internet service hosting the content were satisfied with how the internet hosting service handled their notification. European Union refers to EU28. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020.

Second Notices Sent Since 2010
This column chart shows the cumulative number of second notices sent by Haute Autorité Française pour la Diffusion des Oeuvres et la Protection des droits sur Internet (HADOPI) from 2010 to 2017. HADOPI sent the most notices between July 2011 and June 2012 and between July 2013 and June 2014. The second notice refers to a graduated two-step response implemented by HADOPI to
remind internet subscribers of their responsibility regarding their Internet connection which should not be used to make works protected by copyright (or related rights) available for piracy.

Seizures of Counterfeit And Pirated Goods: Top Economies of Origin of Right Holders Whose Intellectual Property Rights Were Infringed
This chart looks at economies in which the right holders whose intellectual property rights are infringed are located (2014-2016). Location refers to the place where the headquarters of a right holder is registered. Almost 24% of the total value of seized products refers to intellectual property rights of holders registered in the United States, followed by France (16.6%), Italy (15.1%), Switzerland (11.2%) and Germany (9.3%). The data are presented with approximation. For more details please visit the source.

Share of Enterprises Who Pay to Advertise Online, 2018
The chart presents the share of entreprises that pay for on-line advertising in European Union in 2018, by size of enterprise (the chart does not include the enterprises from the financial sector).

Share of Individuals Who Have Streamed or Downloaded Films or Television Series From Potential Illegal Websites in Denmark, by Frequency (2016)
The chart displays the share of individuals who have streamed or downloaded films or TV series from potential illegal websites in Denmark, based on a survey carried out in 2016. A significant number of individuals reported that they regularly stream films or television series from potentially illegal websites, with fewer people reporting that they regularly download films or television series from potentially illegal websites.

Share of People Who Faced Hate Speech Online in France (2015)
The chart shows the exposure to hateful online content on the internet, based on the results of a survey conducted in France in February 2015. Results show that men were generally more exposed to this type of content compared to women. 55% of male respondents came across racist statements online, while only 47% of women respondents did so.

Share of Respondends Concerned About What is Real and What is Fake on the Internet When it Comes to Fake News
The chart shows the percentage of persons surveyed who agreed with the statement, "Thinking about online news, I am concerned about what is real and what is fake on the internet." The results show that more than half (56%) of the survey’s respondents across 40 countries remains concerned about what is real and fake on the internet when it comes to news. Brazilian citizens exhibited the highest levels of concern, with 84% agreeing with the statement; whereas respondents from the Netherlands displayed lower rates of concern at only 32%.