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Number of Ads Rejected Under Twitter's Unacceptable Business Practices Ads Policy

Based on the data reported by Twitter under the European Union Code of Practice against Disinformation, in the period 01 to 20 May 2019, the United Kingdom was the target of the most rejected ads under Twitter's Unacceptable Business Practices Ads Policy. It was followed by Sweden and Spain. Lithuania is the country targeted by the fewest rejected ads.
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Number of Articles Seized at the European Union Borders, 2017 - 2020

The chart shows the number of articles detained at the European Union boders the period 2017-2020, based on the results of the EUIPO report "EU Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights: Results at the EU Border and in the EU Internal Market 2020," published in December 2021. The results show that the number of items seized in 2020 declined by 34% compared to 2019, reaching a level closer to the 2018 one.
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Number of Engagements Connected to the Clearly Anti-European Union Articles

The graph illustrates the high number of engagements connected to clearly anti-European Union articles related to the Vote Leave campaign and to Russia Today and Sputnik. It also shows the high level of engagement of Russian disinformation organisations in United Kingdom, in the months leading up to Brexit. The European Union refers to EU28. The United Kindom left the European Union on 31 January 2020.
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Number of Failed, Foiled or Completed Attacks

The total number of attacks (129) decreased after a sharp spike in 2017 (205), primarily because of the decrease in reported separatist-related incidents.
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Number of First Notices Sent by French High Authority for the Dissemination of Works and the Protection of Rights on the Internet (HADOPI)

The chart shows the number of first notices sent by Haute Autorité Française pour la Diffusion des Oeuvres et la Protection des Droits sur Internet since 2010 until 2017 to the holder of an Internet subscription whose access has been used to commit acts of copyright infringement.
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Number of Posts Collected Containing Anti-Semitic Content

The chart presents the distribution of posts containg anti-semitic content across various social media platforms, based on the results of the European Commission "The rise of anti-semitism online during the pandemic: A study of French and German content," prepared in 2021 and covering the period January 2020 - March 2021. The study aim to understand the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic might have had on the proliferation of the online anti-semitism and which platforms are particulary prone to anti-semitic messaging in French and German. The results show that 64.5% of French language posts with anti-semitic content are found on Twitter, while 99% of German language posts with anti-semitic content are on Telegram.
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Number of Publications Found in Literature Review on Science Denial by Publication Year (1990-2015)

The chart presents the annual trend of the number of reviewed publications on climate and environmental science denial from 1990 to 2015, based on the results from the report "Climate and environmental science denial: A review of the scientificliterature published in 1990-2015." The data shows that there has been a steady increase in publications on climate and environmental science denial since 2010. In general, scientific denialism is the rejection of basic facts and concepts that are undisputed, well-supported parts of the scientific consensus on a subject, in favor of radical and controversial ideas. Specifically on climate science denial, a substantial body of scientific literature exists.
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Number of Videos Removed by Google Under Their Child Safety Policy

The chart shows the number of videos removed by Google under their Child Safety policy, starting from September 2018. The latest available data shows that overall the number of videos removed under the Child Safety Policy declined in in the first quarter of 2022 by 81% compared to the same period of the previous year. Compared to the previous quarter, the change is considerably lower, declining only by 18% in the first quarter of 2022 compared to the previous one.
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Number of Web Pages containing Adverts or Links to Child Sexual Abuse Material

The chart provides information on the number of web pages containing adverts or links to child sexual abuse imagery, according to the age of children. The data shows an increase of these web pages in 2019 by 26% compared to 2018 and by 70% compared to 2017.
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Objects Most Often Attacked by Disinformation or Manipulation on the Internet in Poland (2019, in Polish)

The chart illustrated the results of a 2019 survey that looked at the perception of Polish internet users towards the most often objects targeted by disinformation or Internet manipulation. The results showed that Poles identified the government and central institutions and opposition parties as the subjects most often targeted by this type of attacks. On the other hand, the least targeted objects were the ethnic or national minorities or the army.