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Distribution of Detentions and the Value of Seizures for Online and Not Related to Online Sales in European Union, 2017-2019
This chart shows the share of detensions from online sales and their corresponding value of seisures in the European Union over the period 2017-2019, based on the results of the OECD/EUIPO report "Misuse of E-Commerce for Trade in Counterfeits," published in October 2021. The results show that while the detentions related to online sales constitute majority of all the seizure observations registered between 2017 and 2019, their values remains much lower than the value of seizures from offline sales (14% compared to 86%).
Distribution of Detentions of Online Sales in Total Detentions in European Union, by Transport Mode, 2017-2019
This chart shows the share of detentions of online sales in total detentions, by transport mode, in the European Union over the period 2017-2019, based on the results of the OECD/EUIPO report "Misuse of E-Commerce for Trade in Counterfeits," published in October 2021. The results show that mail/post is the only transport mode of counterfeit goods where the number of detentions related with online sale is higher than the number of cases not related to online sale (71.9% of detentions concern online sales). All the other trasport modes do not exceed 30% of detentions concerning online sale, with Sea/Vessel having the lowest share (1.5%).
Distribution of Detentions Related to Online Sales Between Product Categories in European Union, 2017-2019
This chart shows the distribution of the detentions between product categories, in the context of online purcheses, in the European Union over the period 2017-2019, based on the results of the OECD/EUIPO report "Misuse of E-Commerce for Trade in Counterfeits," published in October 2021. The results show that footwear and clothing are the product categories on top of the list of products with highest shares of detentions.
Distribution of Detentions Related to Online Sales Between Product Categories in European Union, by Value of Seized Articles, 2017-2019
This chart shows the distribution of the share of value of seized products related to online transactions within each product category, in the European Union over the period 2017-2019, based on the results of the OECD/EUIPO report "Misuse of E-Commerce for Trade in Counterfeits," published in October 2021. The results show that for three product categories: vehicles parts, pharmaceutical products and watches the value of seized counterfeit products purchased online exceeded 20% of value of all products seized within their respective categories.
Distribution of Hate Speech Complains Across All Platforms (2018)
The chart shows the locations of complaints about hate speech on online platforms based on data collected by International Network Against Cyberhate (INACH). The INACH's report found that most instances of hate speech reported in user complaints are located on Facebook, traditional websites, Twitter, or YouTube.
Distribution of Hate Speech Complains Across Web 1.0 Platforms (2018)
The chart shows the distribution of hate speech complaints on Web 1.0 platforms based on data collected by the International Network Against Cyber Hate (INACH). INACH's 2018 report found that the majority (almost three quarters) of all complaints of hate speech were registered on websites (Web 1.0 platforms), followed by forums and blogs.
Distribution of Hate Speech Complains Across Web 2.0 Platforms (2018)
The chart presents the distribution of hate speech complaints on Web 2.0 platforms based on data collected by the International Network Against Cyber Hate. The 2018 report found that, when it comes to social media platforms, three major players give the biggest surface to cyber hate and extremist propaganda, accounting for more than 80% of all complaints of hate speech - Facebook (40%), Twitter (21.7%) and YouTube (21.2%).
Distribution of Items Infringing Intellectual Property Rights Detained at the Custom Border in the European Union, by Conveyance Method (2016-2019)
The chart presents the distribution of goods (by the number of articles) infringing Intellectual Property Rights detentained at the European Union borders, by different conveyance method used, between 2016-2019. The results show that more than half of the articles detained were delivered by sea, while postal deliveries by small parcels remain relatively limited, registering a significant decline in 2019 (over 10%). The other methods of conveyance used include air, road, rail and inland waterways. European Union refers to EU28. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020.
Distribution of Mass Media as a Source of Getting News in the Last Week
The chart presents the distribution of different mass media (television, radio, etc.) as source of news during the coronavirus lockdown. The participants in six countries have answered to the following question "Q4: Which, if any, of the following have you used in the last week as a source of news?" Television and online are the most popular way of getting news in all six countries. The figures for newspapers are lower than normal, as countries have entered lockdown, complicating print distribution and greatly reducing single copies sales.
Distribution of Online Complaints Per Hate Type
This chart shows the distribution of complaints about hate speech online based on data collected by International Network Against Cyberhate (INACH). INACH's 2018 report, "The State of Cyber Hate," found that the most common types of hate speech reported in user complaints are Racism and Antisemitism. The least common types of hate speech are Anti-Ziganism and anti-religious hate for religions other than Islam.