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181 - 190 charts displayed out of 254

Perceptions on Changes in the Level of Antisemitism over the Past Five Years, Across Eight European Union Member States
The chart presents the perception on proliferation of antisemitism within eight European Union member states, between 2008-2013. The results show that while in France for 74% respondents this perception increased a lot, in as Latvia, the majority of respondents (44%) considered that it stayed the same.

Perceptions on How Internet Hosting Services Should Deal with Illegal Content Uploaded or Posted by Their Users
This segmented bar graph shows that the majority of respondents believe that hosting services should immediately remove content flagged as illegal by law enforcement authorities, process all notifications they receive, remove content flagged as illegal by organisations with proven expertise on the topic, and give users the ability to appeal removal decisions. The results are based on the answers to the question "Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?"

Platforms Linked to Islamic State and Jihadist Accounts (Based on Out-Links from Twitter)
This graph shows the top 10 platforms linked to Islamic State accounts and top 10 platforms linked to other Jihadist accounts on Twitter. The data shows that YouTube was the preferred platform for both types of accounts. Interestingly, Facebook was not in the top 10 for Islamic State accounts but was number 2 for other Jihadist accounts.

Primary Reason for Downloading Music From Illegal Sources
The chart illustrates the distribution of the respondents' primary reasons for downloading music from illegal sources. The most common answer by far was the price.

Primary Reason for Streaming Music From Illegal Sources
The chart illustrates the distribution of the respondents' primary reasons for streaming music from illegal sources. The most common answer by far was the price.

Product Categories Most Subject to Counterfeiting and Piracy Goods, 2013 and 2016
The chart shows the distribution of the product categories most subject to counterfeiting and piracy, in 2013 and 2016, based on the results of the OECD-EUIPO report on illegal trade. The report shows that product categories "Footware", "Clothing, knitted or crocheted" and "Articles of leather" have the highest propensity of being subject to counterfeit and piracy.

Product Categories of Counterfeit Dangerous Goods Purchased Online
The chart presents the main categories of dangerous products destined to the European Union purchased online in the period 2017-2019, based on the OECD and the European Union Intellectual Property Office report "Dangerous Fakes: Trade in Counterfeit Goods that Pose Health, Safety and Environmental Risks," published in March 2022. The report shows that among dangerous counterfeit products purchased online, 46% were cosmetics items, followed by clothing (18%), toys and games (17%) and automotive spare parts (8%). For some of the other categories of products displayed on the chart the value of data are approximate, determined with pixel count, as these values are not explicitely mentioned in the source. European Union refers to EU28. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020.

Products Affected by Government Requests of Removal
The chart presents the distribution of the most affected products by governments' requests of removal, since 2009. The shares are calculated based on the total numbers of requests received by Google from governments since July 2009 until December 2021. The data shows that the products with the most frequent government requests to remove content are YouTube, Web search and Blogger, but other products are also affected.

Rate of Hate Speech Content Removal Across ICT Companies
The chart presents the distribution of hate speech content removal by the ICT companies, based on data reported by social media platforms participating in the European Commission's Code of conduct. The sixth monitoring exercise shows that out of the platforms participating in the Code of conduct, has the highest rate of removal, followed by TikTok and Facebook. Twitter continues to have the lowest rate of removal, Instagram significantly increased its removal rate (compared to the previous monitoring period), and Youtube's removal rate continue to decline. Overall, the sixth monitoring exercise shows that the Code of conduct continues to bring positive results when it comes to illegal hate speech removal across social medial platforms.

Rate of Hate Speech Content Removal Across ICT Companies (2018)
The chart presents the distribution of hate speech content removal by the ICT companies, based on data reported by social media platforms participating in the European Commission's Code of conduct. The data shows that out of the platforms participating in the Code of conduct, YouTube now has the highest rate of removal, while Twitter has the lowest. Facebook and YouTube have increased their rates of removal significantly, while Twitter's increase has been less dramatic.