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Cumulative Suspension Rate for Accounts Eventually Suspended
The graph shows the cumulative suspension rate for all accounts identified as being Islamic State or Jihadi by the number of days the accounts survived before being suspended (on the horizontal axis). The data shows that Islamic State accounts have had higher suspension rates compared to other Jihadi accounts. The chart focuses on accounts that were independently judged to have breached Twitter’s terms of service.
Cumulative Suspension Rate For All Accounts in Database
The graph shows the cumulative suspension rate for all accounts identified as being Islamic State or Jihadi by the number of days the accounts survived before being suspended. The data shows that Islamic State accounts have had higher suspension rates compared to other Jihadi accounts.
Digital Revenue
The chart shows that contrary to some popular beliefs, the Internet does not appear to have undone collecting societies. In 2018, digital income is the leading force behind the growth of music collections, accounting for 19.1% of the total. Digital income rose by 15% over the last year and 185% since 2014.
Distribution of Content Actioned Under Other Types of Violation on Facebook (2017-2022)
The chart shows the distribution of the content actioned under other types of violations on Facebook, from the fourh quarter of 2017 until the first quarter of 2022. A metric for a new policy area called violence and incitement was added to the Community Standards in the third quarter of 2021. Additionally, starting with the second quarter of 2021, the child nudity and sexual abuse category was renamed child endagerment and collects data on two separate topics: sexual exploitation and nudity and physical abuse. The data shows that the adult nudity and sexual activity remains the main reason of removal on Facebook, followed by violent and graphic content, violence and incitement and child endagerment. The chart excludes the content removed under fake accounts and spam content violations.
Distribution of Conveyance Methods for Counterfeit Pharmaceuticals (2014-2016)
The chart presents the distribution of transport modes for counterfeit pharmaceutical, based on the data from the OECD/EUIPO study on illicit trade in fake pharmaceuticals, published in 2020. The report builds on previous analyses of illicit trade, focusing on trade of counterfeit pharmaceuticals. In addition to possible economic damages for the sector, fake pharmaceuticals pose significant health risks, as often they are not properly formulated and may contain dangerous ingredients. The data highlighted that mail and courier services are the main modes of transport for counterfeit pharmaceuticals traded worldwide. In terms of volume, air is also an important means of transport in the global trade of fake pharmaceuticals. In terms of value, the main transport mode was by road transport and mail and postal services.
Distribution of Conveyance Methods for Cultural Artefacts in Illegal Trade, 2019
The chart presents the distribution of transport modes for cultural artefacts seized by customs in 2019, based on the data from World Customs Organization's "Illicit trade Report 2019." The report shows that air and vehicle are the main conveyance methods for cultural artefacts, representing 73% in total seizures. In 2019, out of 217 seizures, 100 were air seizures (36.9%) and 98 vehicles seizures (36.2%). However, by number of artefacts seized, the vehicle seizures accounted for 65% (6 138), while air seizures only for 19% (1 826) of the total number of artefacts seized by customs.
Distribution of Conveyance Methods for Weapons and Ammunition, 2018-2019
The chart presents the distribution of transport modes for weapons and ammunition seized by customs in 2019, based on the data from World Customs Organization's "Illicit trade Report 2019." The report shows that air, mail, vehicle and vessel are the conveyance methods present in all the seizures of weapons and ammunition. While seizures of weapons and ammunition made from the mail represented 58.2% (6 089) of all seizures made in 2019 (10 469), their number of pieces accounted only for 7.9% (78 131) of the total number of pieces seized by customs. The majority (70.5%) of pieces seized were made via vehicle transport, and out of those 94.4% were ammunition.
Distribution of Mass Media as a Source of Getting News in the Last Week
The chart presents the distribution of different mass media (television, radio, etc.) as source of news during the coronavirus lockdown. The participants in six countries have answered to the following question "Q4: Which, if any, of the following have you used in the last week as a source of news?" Television and online are the most popular way of getting news in all six countries. The figures for newspapers are lower than normal, as countries have entered lockdown, complicating print distribution and greatly reducing single copies sales.
Distribution of Share of Cultural Artefacts in Illegal Trade, by Selected Categories of Artefacts (2018-2019)
The chart presents the shares of selected types of artefacts seized by customs in 2018 and 2019, based on the data from World Customs Organization's "Illicit trade Report 2019." While the number of pieces of currency seized fell from 19 258 to 5 141 pieces (73.3%), coins still represent more than half of all items seized in 2019 (5 141 of 9 399). On the other hand,the number of items seized of the category "fauna, flora, minerals, anatomy, and fossils" nearly doubled in 2019 (2 085), compared to 2018 (1 049).
Distribution of Sources Used for Coronavirus News in the Last Week
The chart presents the distribution of sources used to obtain information about coronavirus (COVID-19) by repondents in six countries surveyed. The participants have answered to the following question "Q4: Which, if any, of the following have you used in the last week as a source of news or information about coronavirus (COVID-19)?" According to the results, in April 2020, news organisations remain among the most important sources of information. In a public health crisis, where most people are online and many diferrent organisations, including public authorities, have websites, social media accounts, and other channels available, news media are not the only sources people rely on. Across the six countries surveyed, two-thirds have relied on news organisations, ranging from a low 47% in Germany to a high 77% in South Korea.