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Share of Identified Product Listings Removed Within Two Working Days (2018-2020)
The chart presents the key performance indicators for monitoring the implementation of the Product Safety Pledge, over the period 2018 - 2020. The KPIs for the periods represent the arithmetic average of the percentages provided by the four signatories, they do not represent the weighted average according to the number of products reported. The method is valid for periods October 2018 - March 2019 and April 2019 - September 2019. For the period October 2019 - May 2020, a different method of calculus was used for KPIs, making the latest values not comparable with the previous values reported.

Share of Identified Product Listings Removed Within Two Working Days (2018-2022)
The chart presents the key performance indicators for monitoring the implementation of the Product Safety Pledge, over the period October 2018 - May 2022. The KPIs for the periods represent the arithmetic average of the percentages provided by the four signatories, they do not represent the weighted average according to the number of products reported. The method is valid for periods October 2018 - March 2019 and April 2019 - September 2019. For the period October 2019 - May 2020, a different method of calculus was used for KPIs, making the latest values not comparable with the previous values reported. From June 2020 onwards, for the following reportings, the signatories of the Product Safety Pledge provide absolute numbers of the dangerous products identified and removed to facilitate easier monitoring and comparability for future reports.

Sources and Destinations for European Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Imports and Exports
This chart highlights that the overwhelming majority of European SMEs rely heavily on the European Single Market, with SMEs receiving 81% of their imports from and sending 81% of their exports to other EU Member States.

The Detriment Suffered by European Union Consumers and Society per Year Due to Product-Related Injuries (2017)
The chart presents the estimated prejudice caused by all product-related injuries to consumers in the European Union in 2017, based on the results of the impact assessment study realised for the evaluation of the General Product Safety Directive and its potential revision for the European Commission. The results show an estimate of 76.6 billion euro per year in financial prejudice to EU consumers and society due to product-related injuries. Out of the total amount, 48% of this prejudice is related to non-fatal injuries. These estimates exclude losses caused by work and transportation accidents.

The Estimated Share of Unsafe Products on the Market (2020)
The chart presents the estimates of the share of unsafe products on the market according to different stakeholders' groups in the European Union, based on the results of the impact assessment study realised for the evaluation of the General Product Safety Directive and its potential revision for the European Commission. The results were obtain from a survey conducted by Civic Consulting on 153 stakeholders (27 of consumer organisations and other general stakeholders, 48 of authorities, 37 of business associations and 41 of companies), who answer the question "In your view, what is the best estimate of the share of unsafe products on the market in your area of activity (i.e. the estimated number of unsafe products per 100 products sold on the market)?" The average values are calculated based on 100 (brick-and-mortar)/105 (online) stakeholders that had expressed an opinion (out of all respondents 53/48 indicated "Don’t know" or provided no answer).

The Proportion of Preventable Non-Fatal Product-Related Injuries To Total Non-Fatal Injuries (2013-2017)
The chart presents the share of the preventable non-fatal product-related injuries in the European Union between 2013-2017, based on the results of the impact assessment study realised for the evaluation of the General Product Safety Directive and its potential revision for the European Commission. The average number of injuries are estimates based on the European Injury Database and include the number of accidental, non-intentional product-related injuries in which consumers visited hospital emergency departments. Data excludes transport injury events and work-related injuries (paid work). When it comes to the estimated prejudice caused by all product-related injuries to consumers in the European Union in 2017, 36.9 billion euros (or 48% of the total amount of 76.6 billion euros) was due to the non-fatal injuries, with preventable injuries accounting for 5.5 billion euros. The percentage of preventable non-fatal injuries is an estimate based on interviews and previous research and studies, including a 1999 study of the Accident Research Centre of University of Monash that, in turn, relied on data covering the period 1991-1992.

Tonnes of Illicit Pesticide Seized by the European Union Authorities
The chart presents the amount of illicit pesticides seized by the European Union authorities, during the Operation Silver Axe, over the period 2015 - 2021, based on the results of the report "Intellectual Property Crime: Threat Assessment 2022," published in March 2022 by EUIPO and Europol. The data shows that during the six editions of Operation Silver Axe 3,771 tonnes of illegal pesticides were seized, out of which 2,549 tones were seized in the last two editions (2020 and 2021).

Top-Down Versus Bottom-Up Misinformation
The chart shows that high-level politicians, celebrities, or other prominent public figures produced or spread only 20% of the misinformation in Reuters Institute's sample, but that misinformation attracted a large majority of all social media engagements in the sample. The first bar shows the share of content that was produced or shared by prominent persons in the whole sample (N=225). The second bar shows the per cent of total social media engagements of content from prominent persons out of the sub-sample of social media posts with available engagement data (N=145).

Total Piracy by Access Method (2018)
This doughnut chart shows the distribution of piracy in the European Union by access method. As presented, streaming is the preferred method with a 75% share. The remaining 25% is divided between download, torrent and ripper. Nearly 95% of the streaming activity is concentrated in television and film. European Union refers to EU28. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020.

Total Piracy by European Union Member State and Content Type (2018)
This chart shows piracy by European Union member state. For each country, piracy is broken down by content type accessed. In two countries, Latvia and Lithuania, consumption of pirated content is clearly higher (more than 26 accesses per month) than in the rest of the European Union. Finland has the lowest rate at 4.6 access per user per month. Germany, Italy, Denmark, Austria, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and Slovenia are also below the European Union average of 9.7. European Union refers to EU28. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020.